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Shared Vs Dedicated Web Hosting: Which is Better For You?

Shared Vs dedicated hosting

Choosing between the two most popular hosting – Shared vs Dedicated Server depends on what features are most important to you. Here’s what you need to know to make the right decision for your hosting plans.

Want to initiate an argument??

Just say, “Dedicated servers are best,” “Shared server is cheap and worth for money,” “shared hosting is less secure,” “Only an enterprise person can use Dedicated web hosting”, and then stand back.

Stop this useless debate and get out of it.

The truth is both Dedicated Hosting & Shared Hosting have their good and bad points.

Here we are going to differentiate both the hosting solutions on different 8 key aspects.

Let’s begin

Shared Vs Dedicated Hosting – Who Wins The Battle

Features Shared Hosting VPS Hosting
Used By Designed for beginners & tech novices Engineered for high traffic website that requires high-end computing resources
Speed Often lack speed because if one website gets a sudden increase in traffic, all the other sites tend to slow down. Offers great website speed as all the resources reserved for your website or application
Scalability Shared hosting limits you on computer resources. You can’t ramp up the bandwidth or space It is easier in a dedicated server to scale up as there are extra resources available
Uptime In uptime, the shared hosting might disappoint you. The reason is the shared nature of service. Uptime is top-notch as the entire server is yours and the loading speed is way better.
Security This type of server has a security concern because of a higher number of users website resides on the same server. A single spammy website can create security issues on other websites too. This type of hosting offers comprehensive access to control to the user so that they can safeguard their data and privacy.
Performance Low performance, cannot take traffic beyond a certain cap High-in performance and can handle huge website traffic
SEO A low bandwidth hosting affect SEO and “bad neighborhoods” affect your ranking too The server is better for website SEO and greatly improves the website’s speed.
Cost The cost per user is relatively low as you and others are purchasing to the same server. It is high in cost as an entire high-power server is dedicated to a single website or application

Table 1.1 – Shared Hosting Vs Dedicated Hosting

Pick one that fits your budgets & needs

Put it all together, and there isn’t an easy, and all-purpose answer for you. As we said above, both hosting have their advantages and disadvantages.

It comes down to your budget and what matters most to you. However, if security is the primary concern, then it is preferred to buy dedicated hosting instead of Shared one.

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