When you decide to get hosting for your website, you will need to choose not to go with the cheap one but select the best hosting that supports your website.
Thus, it can be challenging to know whether a Cloud or a Traditional Hosting would be better for the website. So, let’s break things down and look at the different aspects of each hosting – Cloud Hosting Vs. Traditional Hosting to determine which may prove to be the better choice.
Difference Between Cloud Hosting & Traditional Hosting
This section will let you know when it comes to performance, scalability, security, usability; which of the two leading hosting reigns supreme? Let’s begin.
Traditional Hosting
Traditional Hosting is available in two forms – Dedicated and Shared Hosting. The complete website is hosted on a single server in dedicated hosting, and there is no resource sharing. Hence, complete security with no noisy neighbor effect. The client has a set amount of bandwidth, CPU, RAM, and comprehensive control over the computing resources. For this, the client needs to pay a set amount for the dedicated server.
Shared Hosting is one of the commons among small and mid-sized businesses users. Here your website shared the computing resources with other websites too. Due to this, it is one of the cheapest hosting options available in the market. Undoubtedly, it is a cost-efficient, low-maintenance platform to host your workload.
Traditional Hosting has its pitfalls, too, especially shared hosting. Because the shared hosting distributes the same server resources with multiple websites, resulting in a bad performance, security issues, scalability issues, and frequent downtime. Notably, if the server itself faces any glitch, then the website housed on the server will be affected.
In addition, you need to pay the set amount for the resources in shared hosting. In case your website gains high traffic, then you need to purchase additional space. However, when the traffic goes low, you have to continue to pay for the resources you aren’t utilizing.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud Hosting is based on a different architecture where the website on a single server and distributed across different servers resides on multiple locations that are connected via. the internet. It is suitable for businesses where there are high chances of unpredictable traffic. Other benefits of cloud hosting are:-
Speed – In this hosting model, users can procure computer resources from a virtualized server that further helps to balance workloads. As a result, user websites experience faster page load time.
Reliability / Fail Over – If any physical server fails, then the cloud servers get migrated to another physical server without experiencing any downtime or outage.
Scalability – This model holds multiple servers, so users have the benefit to scale up their compute resources at any point in time.
Security – The risk of security breaches is less as the site’s resources are isolated.
Cost – Unlike traditional hosting, you don’t need to pay a set amount here. However, here you have to pay for the services which you have used only.
Flexible – Highly flexible and all the compute resources are widely spread across multiple servers, making it highly available in the disastrous situation.
Customization – Cloud hosting provides a client with full control over the customization and installation.
Final Say!
Cloud hosting vs Traditional hosting has been going for a long time. Which one is better between the both is depending on your personal preference. By analyzing the side of cloud hosting, it isn’t surprising that Cloud server is a better option than traditional hosting.
Rest, you have to decide where you sit.