mail archiving

How to Archive iCloud Inbox? – Comprehensive Guide

archive icloud inbox
Published By Priyanka Chauhan
Sameer Yadav
Approved By Sameer Yadav
Published On January 19th, 2024
Reading Time 6 Minutes Reading

Introduction to iCloud Inbox – How to Archive iCloud Inbox?

In this article we are going to discuss about iCloud mail and how to archive iCloud inbox. We will also discuss the best methods to archive iCloud inbox. Here you will also see the benefits of archiving iCloud inbox. Read the complete article to know more about iCloud mail and best methods to archive iCloud inbox.

iCloud Mail is an email service provider where you can send or receive your emails and files. iCloud is designed by Apple and you can access your iCloud mail account by using any browser. iCloud is managed by Apple and apple customers have access to their iCloud account. You can also create custom domain with iCloud using a iCloud+ account. You can import your existing email to iCloud account. It also helps you to manage your device storage by storing your mail data on cloud. You can manage your files, images, emails and other information on iCloud. That reduce your cost of storage management.

According to a survey there are more than 850 million iCloud users around the world that contribute  25% of Apple’s revenue. You can also archive the iCloud inbox using the iCloud archival feature. You can archive iCloud inbox by selecting or moving your data to the archived folder in iCloud mail.

Features of iCloud Mail 

  • Organize and find emails 
  • Use mail privacy and protection
  • Print an email

Note – if you are using iCloud service, the mail you are receiving will save to your iCloud storage and all your photos and other data. But once your iCloud storage is full then you can not receive your emails until you do not update your iCloud plan.

Best Methods to Archive iCloud Inbox

There are different methods to archive iCloud inbox that we are explaining to you here. Archiving is a process of storing your iCloud inbox data in a structured manner. There are many email archival solution providers that you can opt for your data security.

  • iCloud Inbuilt Archival – you can archive iCloud inbox emails and data using the inbuilt feature of iCloud. It helps you to store your data on cloud storage and gives you high security. 
  • Cloud Storage – There are many business cloud storage solution providers around the country that you can hire to make your iCloud data secure, like Amazon, Google, Netforchoice Data Center and many more. They provide you with high security and they have a very experienced team to make your data. They also provide you with an advanced search option to make your iCloud inbox data easily available.
  • Third Party Archival – Archiving your iClouds inbox data with third parties can help you in managing your data. They have a specialized team in data archiving. They provide you data security and provide you features of scalability. You can manage your archival plan according to the business need. You can also use Acronis cloud backup to archive your data
  • External Archival – External archiving helps you to manage your data easily and you can move your iCloud inbox data to an external drive. Moving data to an external drive helps you to make data secure and reliable. It also saves you the cost you can buy to drive according to your business needs.
  • Print & Save – There is a print and save option also available in iCloud mail that you can use to archive your business data. But archiving your business data in print form can be costly to manage because it can get damaged by many factors.

Benefits of archiving iCloud Inbox

There are various  benefits of archiving iCloud Emails that you can enjoy. It can also help you to manage your iCloud data that you can use for different purposes.

  • Data Protection – Data protection is one of the most important benefits of Archiving iCloud Inbox data, because data plays an important role in business continuity. There could be many reasons that your data can get damaged but if you archive the iCloud inbox you can retrieve your data in the future that helps in business continuity.
  • Legal Compliance & Regulatory – Every company has some legal compliance that they need to follow. For the companies it is  mandatory to manage their data because archived data can be used for the legal purpose and compliance. It can be used for company audits, investigations and regulatory processes.
  • Easy Data Availability – Archiving makes your data available easily. Sometimes you lose your data by any disaster, then it becomes very difficult to recover data, but if you have archived it before you can easily get it back.
  • Historical Reference – You can use this data for historical reference also. Sometimes you need to find out the company’s last year financial details or you have to find out any other document related to your business. Then you can login to your archival folder and can retrieve it from there.
  • Employee Resign – It can help you to manage your employees detail one of the benefits of archiving iCloud Inbox data. Sometimes you employee abscond without informing you then in that situation you can retrieve your company data from their laptop.

Why Choose Netforchoice for Archiving iCloud Inbox

Choosing Netforchoice for archiving your iCloud inbox would be a good option for you. Netforchoice is a leading and one of the best data center in India. We are providing you the best data security services and archival solutions. It is a better option to archive your iCloud inbox with Netforchoice at a reasonable price to make your data more secure. Netforchoice provides you 24*7 support to make your iCloud data secure. Netforchoice’s most demanding services are dedicated servers, archiving solutions, Acronis data backup, Secure file sharing etc.

Easy archive management

  • Multiple archives, partitions, disks support 
  • Disk storage: local, network attached, removable external drives
  • Automatic roll over, with new archive activation


Powerful search and retrieval

  •    Simple “Google-like” search 
  •    Free-text search in full message body and headers
  •    Search in attachments (commonly used file formats: Text, MS (doc, ppt, xlsx), HTML, PDF

Restore email

  • Restore email for any user, any email id, over any time period
  • Multi-mode restore available
  •  Direct restore via built-in POP3 server

Email Backup & Archiving

  • Archive all internal, incoming, outgoing email (with multi-domain support) 
  • Automated & on-demand, email collection and archiving 
  • Multi-protocol support: POP3, IMAP, SMTP

Smart storage

  • Email deduplication and single-instance storage to minimize disk usage
  • Compression for even greater storage gains
  • Military grade encryption

Compliance Ready

  •  Long term storage, searchable and quickly retrievable
  • Auditable administrator and user activity logs
  • Flexible retention policies for different email

Conclusion –

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